Villas&Golfe Angola
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FILDA with 300 exhibitors in Angola

Luanda once again receives ideas for the industry, technology and agronomy sectors


PMmedia Adv.

It starts tomorrow the 36th edition of Luanda International Fair (FILDA) with more than 300 exhibitors from the technology and the development of agribusiness and industry support sectors, after a year gap due to the COVID-19. The fair will take place until December 4, in the Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE), and will have the participation of national and foreign companies (from Portugal, South Africa, Germany, Argentina, China, Eritrea, France, India, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Japan, Lebanon and United States of America).
This year, Bruno Albernaz, chairman of the Board of Directors of Eventos Arena Group, the organizer of FILDA, invited the Angolan art gallery "ELA – Espaço Luanda Arte” to be present with the presentation of four monumental sculptures, as well as a film.
The visitors will also be able to watch the daily artistic performances by Angolan artist Jone Ferreira (with the support of Fabrimetal, a leading manufacturer of rods), in an innovative project called Nzumbi Ya Nzambi, whose translation means "Divine Spirits”, and which presents himself as a prelude to a trilogy of film, photography and objects that the artist will present in 2022. In FILDA it will be demonstrated how trash and metallic waste can be transformed into real works of art.